Pack Down
Many hands make light work!
By the List field, the marquee, and Mong, and a variety of A&S spaces, this is where you're likely to find most people.
Many hands make light work!
We bid farewell to another Faire and start planning for the next (it's only 2 weeks away you know!)
If you have coin to spare, here you'll find wares
This class covers the use of the 5 words from the German Fencing Tradition and how we can use those to inform on our decision making in the field
Sword required. Mask, gorget, gloves recommended.
How to overcome the reach advantage of the other person having a longer reach. Either due to height or weapon length differences.
Weapons required. Mask, gorget, gloves recommended.
An introductory class on spear use in single and melee combat
Some spears provided. Masks recommended.
Whiskey tasting. A bottle of GOOD whiskey is required for entry.
A class on group combat tactics primarily focused on rapier combat.
Weapons required. Mask recommended.
Come one, come all to bid for the chance to have a Fighter bring you honour & glory on the Tourney Field.
All proceeds support the betterment of Canterbury Faire and Southron Gaard