Story Time
Either bring a story to share or just come and listen to the splendid tales in fine company.
Bardic Circle
Gather together to share stories and song, or just sit and listen.
Make an Anglo-Saxon Ring Pouch
Make and take an Anglo-Saxon ring pouch.
There may be a small (likely $5, or less if you bring your own fabric) fee towards materials for this class - to be confirmed.
Patterning Sleeves
How to measure and pattern sleeves which will fit you and your style of garb. Drafting a basic pattern and how to adapt to different styles.
(Talk/Demo, no class limit)
Structured Headwear
How to design, pattern and make hats which need structure or support, such as the henin, escoffion, Elizabethan hat, etc. Got a hat in mind? Bring a picture!
(Talk/demo, no class limit)
Mini Mask Making
Mini masks for learning - experience the process of mask making in miniature so that it can be done in time. Session one: making the mask form, session two: paper macheing the mask and painting techniques.
Fighter Auction
Come one and all, and buy your fighters for Thursday's tourney!