Rapier 101
The basics of rapier combat. Suitable for absolute beginners.
Equipment provided though BYO if you have it.
The basics of rapier combat. Suitable for absolute beginners.
Equipment provided though BYO if you have it.
An introduction to marshalling for both rapier and heavy combat. You do not have to be a fighter to be a marshal.
The goal of this class is to prepare a roadmap and support for being authorised as a marshal by the end of the event.
the primary tourney for those fighters who are not members of the Chivalry
A challenge tournament for people to meet and stab all the fencers they can
Armour as Worn Tournament
Do you own a suit of fancy armour and wish it did something other than slowing you down and making you less likely to get gnarly bruises? Are you a completely unbiased marshal in charge of the event who is imposing his whims on a captive populace? Well then you are in luck.
In this tournament the amour and weapons used will change the effectiveness of blows from the standard rules.